Lebenthal on Munis

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IF YOU KNEW WHAT I KNOW... Would you buy a municipal bond for the subways in New York City that’s rated AA-, or only A? Would you care what a bond is for as long, as it’s a general obligation backed by the issuer’s full faith, credit, and taxing power? Would you pay 109 for a bond, a premium of for every ,000 face value, knowing you’re going to get back only ,000 at the end??Would it be crazy to buy a 30-year bond at age 80? Would you read “these bonds are not a debt of the state” as a fair warning, Buyer Beware??Tax free municipal bonds. Would you buy them at all? STRAIGHT TALK FROM THE MAN WHO PUT MUNIS ON THE MAP FOR THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR. Would telling you the whole story about investing in municipal bonds, and making sure you know the risks involved, kill the sale? “I’ll take my chances,” says Jim (Municipal Bonds Are My Babies) Lebenthal. For 45 years, Jim Lebenthal wrote and starred in the Lebenthal family’s municipal bond business commercials - inf

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