Maquiavelo aplicado a los negocios: El arte de ganar dinero… como supremo bien (Emprendedores) (Spanish Edition)

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If you’re interested in making money, and hold no illusions about the world in which we live, this is the book for you. This book applies the thought of Niccolò Machiavelli, the greatest and cruelest philosopher of power, to the art of business. It is intended for intelligent and ambitious people of few principles (after all, only one—the love of money—really matters) who aren’t afraid to exercise power. While it won’t teach you to win friends, this book endows you with every technique humanly possible for making and enjoying money.

Download Book Maquiavelo aplicado a los negocios: El arte de ganar dinero… como supremo bien (Emprendedores) (Spanish Edition)

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