Summary: The Total Money Makeover: total money makeover, a proven plan, for financial fitness, dave ramsey, personal finance, financial planning, money management

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The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey | Book Summary | (With Bonus) Do you aspire to be financially free? Need a guide to get your finances back on track? Dave Ramsey is an American talk show host, businessman, author, television personality and motivational speaker. He has written five New York Times bestsellers and The Total Money Makeover is one of them. Dave was once broke and the financial stress has put his marriage on the rocks. But the plan he preaches in Total Money Makeover has helped him and his wife to prosper, and transformed the lives of many others as well. The Total Money Makeover is a practical, very doable plan that allows you to improve your finances. It has been tried, tested and proven by Dave and his wife, and the countless others that they managed to help. This step by step plan will take you through the process and help you open the door to your personal, financial freedom. “You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever contr

Download Book Summary: The Total Money Makeover: total money makeover, a proven plan, for financial fitness, dave ramsey, personal finance, financial planning, money management

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