Real-time Bluetooth Networks: Shape the World

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Welcome to Real-Time Bluetooth Networks – Shape the World. This book offers a format geared towards hands-on self-paced learning. The overarching goal is to give you the student an experience with real-time operating systems that is based on the design and development of a simplified RTOS that exercises all the fundamental concepts. To keep the discourse grounded in practice we have refrained from going too deep into any one topic. We believe this will equip the student with the knowledge necessary to explore more advanced topics on their own. In essence, we will teach you the skills of the trade, but mastery is the journey you will have to undertake on your own. An operating system (OS) is layer of software that sits on top of the hardware. It manages the hardware resources so that the applications have the illusion that they own the hardware all to themselves. A real-time system is one that not only gets the correct answer but gets the correct answer at the correct time. Desig

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